
SAP HANA Calculation View Documentation

Last week I ask on Twitter if anybody knows a good strategy to get all sources of a SAP HANA Calculation View (CV). I got different answers I want to share with you. One approach is really fascinating.

I got an answer from Georgios who recommended the SYS.OBJECT_DEPENDENCIES. There is also a question in the SAP Community which describes the solution with SYS.OBJECT_DEPENDENCIES. There is also a blog entry on sap.com about this topic.  Another way is which Alexey offered via the ACTIVE_OBJECTCROSSREF table, and he also gave me a hind with this post which describes the "SAP HANA Auto-Documentation" the Excel way.


And let me say we have a winner. The SAP HANA Auto-Documentation - Excel Way is a very good solution to solve my issue.

SAP HANA Calculation View Documentation
SAP HANA Calculation View Documentation

As you can see very cool tool to get all information you need. Thanks to the SAP Community.


I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter and youtube. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.

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