
Analysis Office 2.5 & AMDP

At the moment it is very quiet about new blog post. This is maybe the summer break everybody talks about. ;)

I am at the final phase of my diploma thesis and have no time to do cool stuff and also SAP doesn't release Analysis Office 2.5. It is still in ramp up and nothing new at the moment.


So I could only say, my current project is a BW on HANA and I am testing how HANA SQL Script (AMDP) works and how fast we could build some stuff. First tests show a transformation with routines for 800.000 records about 1:55 minutes. The same transformation with AMDP (ABAP Managed Database Procedures) only need between 15 - 23 seconds. This is really impressive. 


So stay tuned, if SAP will release Analysis Office 2.5 and some examples with AMDP.


I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter and youtube. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.

SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
The book SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide by Tobias Meyer is a pdf book about SAP Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.8 and contains 346 Pages.
45,00 €
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.7 and contains 299 Pages.
37,00 €
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.6 and contains 272 Pages.
27,00 €

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