
Analysis Office 2.5 is available

Analysis Office 2.5 is finally available since the end of August for everyone. After I submit my diploma thesis last week, I have now time to see whats new in Analysis Office 2.5. Here is the first short overview of the new feature:

  • You are now able to connect to SAP BusinessObjects Cloud
  • Customize User Interface has new options
  • New different troubleshooting modes
  • New options with Table Design
  • A new API method SAPCallMemberSelector
  • Changes on the grouping Crosstab function
  • New file system setting ShowUtcTimeStampsInDataCells

This is a first view on the What's new Guide. I am also published Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide (2nd edition) as a Kindle ebook on amazon. Feel free to choose where to buy it. So stay tuned.


I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter and youtube. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.

SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
The book SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide by Tobias Meyer is a pdf book about SAP Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.8 and contains 346 Pages.
45,00 €
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.7 and contains 299 Pages.
37,00 €
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.6 and contains 272 Pages.
27,00 €

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