In my current project we have to transport from a maintenance system to our development system. The problem is when you now transport the objects into quality system, you have to check the option "Overwrite Originals" so that your transport is working. But you have to put this flag on every transport you make in the future from your development system to quality.
A few weeks ago, a colleague of mine, ask me how he can get the calendar week to use it in the Analysis Office API SAPSetFilter. I developed a short macro which defines the calendar week to use it in 0CALWEEK. Maybe someone has another solution for this.
In this thread on, Michael Hamm asked how to hide or deactivate the Customize User Interface button. At first, at the moment SAP doesn't offer any checkbox which you can check and uncheck in the settings.
In the comments of this blogpost on, Stephen Hobbs showed his idea of insert a product Image besides the crosstab in combination with the new Customize User Interface function. So I make my own thoughts how I can realize a thing like this.