hana · 28. September 2020
Last week I ask on Twitter if anybody knows a good strategy to get all sources of a SAP HANA Calculation View (CV). I got different answers I want to share with you. One approach is really fascinating.
It has been very quite at the moment.Because nothing spectecular is happening in the Analysis Office world. SAP released Analysis Office 2.7 SP5. I still hope they get Analysis Office 2.8 back on track and without so much problems as they have today. But back to topic.
In my project I have now the opportunity to build SAP HANA Calculation Views. We use Calculation Views to combine two different Advanced DataStore Objects. First you have to set the parameter External HANA View in the setting of your ADSO. When you activate this setting a SAP HANA Table is created which you can use in a Calculation View.