programming · 21. September 2022
It has been a while since I wrote the last blog post. But there happened a lot in the last two months. We had our Deep Dives about Self Service with SAP Data Analytics Cloud Architecture and I had also some weeks of vacation. Now I am back from my vacation, and now I want to share some ideas I had in the last months. This post is about Microsoft PowerPoint and how I use it to create a master PowerPoint file for different purposes. The idea was to have one place for all my SAP Data Warehouse...
programming · 06. January 2022
It is a while since I published my last post here. There are several reasons that I don't write anything, for example, SAP does not publish new features for Analysis for Office or my current project has no special cool new things I can talk about because it is mostly just maintenance and nothing hip. So it was very quiet here, and this is what I want to change. If you follow me on Twitter, you could have seen this post. The year is almost over, and I haven't written a lot of post on my blog...
programming · 13. September 2021
It is quite a while since I published my last post. A lot happened since then. Analysis for Office 2.8 SP10 is now available, the summer and the vacation are over. But in the meantime I developed some new ABAP tools, had quite some interesting exchange and took the SQL Script course by Jörg Brandeis. But in this blog post I want to share with you the latest tool I developed which compare transformations in SAP Business Warehouse systems through the landscape. Here is a short overview:
programming · 05. December 2016
After we can log on to a BI platform with our .Net application, we want to open a document for example a Analysis Office workbook. First we have to define several variables.
programming · 04. March 2016
In some cases you want to trigger an external program from a SAP system. In this part 1 I explain how to build a RFC Server with NCo 3.0. I had several problems when I started with this topic so I decided to write a short example. If someone want the Visual Studio project files, please contact me. So let's go. This Post describes how to build a simple RFC Server using SAP NCo 3.0 and the app.config. Part 2 will be describe how to build a RFC Server with RFC Parameter. As example program I use...
programming · 26. January 2016
While developing in the Visual Studio for .Net you can get an error like this: "Interop type 'CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.SessionMgr' cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead." or in German: "Interop Typ 'CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.SessionMgr' kann nicht eingebettet werden. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die anwendbare Schnittstelle." To aviod this error, you have to change the properties of this reference. You have to switch the "Embed Interop Types" from True to False.
programming · 15. January 2016
In the last time I had several problems with external access to a SAP BW System. The access was realized with an old version of the SAP Connector. And that is the problem. If you have a SAP Business Warehouse System version which is greater than 7.3, you maybe get troubles. For example SAP added new fields or like in 7.4 you now have the option for "Long text is XL" in the master data. So the old versions would not work with this. I just found a very good table about the maintenance of all...