
Analysis Office Launching Workbooks from BIP with variables

Since Analysis Office 2.6 you are able to launch workbooks from BIP with variables. The biggest problem is to have a BI Platform 4.2 SP5 and time to test this feature. In case of writing an updated version of Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide, I now have a BI Platform which fulfilled the conditions. According to SAP slides, the command looks like this:

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Open documents from BI platfrom with .Net

After we can log on to a BI platform with our .Net application, we want to open a document for example a Analysis Office workbook. First we have to define several variables.

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Access BI platform with a .Net Application

After we configured the BI platform with Windows Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) we now can access the BI platform easily with a .Net application. 
First you have to install the BIP .Net SDK. You can download it from the SAP marketplace. Go to Installations and Upgrades >> By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) >> B >> SBOP BI Platform (former SBOP Enterprise) >> SBOP BI Platform 4.2 >> Installation and Upgrade >> SBOP BI Platform 4.2 SP03 ENTER .NET SDK Runtime Windows. You need a S-User with download credentials. For more information about the SDK commands you can look into the help file and the documentation.
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Install BI Platform and setup Windows AD authentication

This week I want to test the integration of a BI Platform to my .Net program. So I want to install a test version of the BIP, but my virtual machine hadn't enough space. The first step was to extend the space of the disk. It is very easy in VirtualBox to extend the disk.

  1. Open the Windows Console
  2. Go to the path where you installed Virtual Box. (Default: C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox)
  3. Type VBoxManage.exe modifyhd "Path to the disk" --resize 100000 (=100 GB)
  4. Press Enter and your VirtualBox will be extended

After my VirtualBox was ready I could install the BIP. But the next issue was found very soon. I need a license key.

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Migrating Analysis Office workbooks from BW to BI Platform

This week I don't have much time to write an article about Analysis Office, but I found an interesting article from Xavier about Migrating Analysis for Office workbooks from BW to BI Platform last week.


The topic came up yesterday as a collegue asked me if I know why he can't save a workbook to the BI platform. The workbook was opened from a NetWeaver system and than the option save to BI Platform isn't available.


So read this article if you have the same problem.

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Design Studio Install Extension on BI Platform

If you have developed your own extension with the SAP Design Studio SDK and want to publish this extension on the BI Platform, you have to click on Help >> Platform Extensions.


Now you see the following screen.

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